Monday, April 7, 2014

{weekend wishes}

THIS WEEKEND JK and I were so very productive and took the opportunity to catch up with friends, pick up some of our to-do shopping items, and even grill out in the gorgeous Spring weather. 

Saturday, I took my little sister from the Big Brothers Big Sisters program to The Great Llama Race, which Imagination Library also sponsored. We named our Llama the "Dolly Llama" in honor of Dolly Parton. She even had a long blonde wig to complete her look!

{the Dolly Llama}
The event consisted of Llama races, vendor booths, funnel cakes, and crafts all to benefit Casa de Sara. The event was just crazy enough to work!

{TT with the Dolly Llama}

{Llama, Llama Red Pajamas anyone?}

Saturday afternoon turned out to be my lucky day! I finally convinced JK that we NEED a bobbin chair for our living room, and he complied {only after I agreed he should get a new Green Egg}. I love the unique design and details on the chair, I would recommend one for any space. 

{close up of bobbin chair, on the left}

{full view of living room}
This weekend was also the Chi O house dedication and open house. I missed the open house, but did attend the Chi O reunion, we took a picture, and as soon as I find it, I will add it to the post. It was so great to see so many Chi O's!

Of course, the best part of the weekend was making a homemade pizza on the green egg. It was so yummy!

I hope your weekend was wonderful!

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